Azure password storage in a pinch

Yesterday, it was discovered that our developers had built a Docker container that was encrypted with a password that resided in a single location: the Azure App Service’s Application Settings (aka: an environment variable). Of course we discovered this when they pushed out a deployment of the container, something broke during the deployment, the Application Setting with the password disappeared, and no one knew what the password was.

It took nearly 30 minutes to rebuild the container with a new encryption password, which is entirely too long for a core piece of our company’s booking system to be unavailable, so until we have a proper password management solution in place, we wanted to stand up something.

Azure Key Vault to the rescue!

Azure Key Vault is a tool for securely storing and accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. A vault is logical group of secrets.

We created a new Key Vault, and set up secrets for each of our App Services because as it turns out, several – although not all – of our microservices have similar encryption setups. We then dumped in the encryption passwords for each service so that if in the future the password disappears, it’s as simple as grabbing it out of the Key Vault and re-creating it as the Application Setting.

In the future, the developers will be updating their applications to reference the Key Vault directly, but for the time being and until they can change how their apps are architected.

Using a Client Certificate to authenticate via an Azure Logic App

Today we faced a problem where we needed to interface with a vendor’s SOAP API (*screams in old-person-ese*) which they protect using an internal PKI. They had provided us a certificate to use, but we found that actually using it in the Logic App we built was going to be a little more complicated than we originally expected.

Here’s what we did.

First, the vendor provided us the certificate in .pem format, while Logic Apps expect to use .pfx format in the HTTP actions, so we needed to convert it. Luckily, openssl makes this relatively easy:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -in certificate.pem -inkey key.pem -passin pass:examplepassword -passout pass:examplepassword

Next, we need to take the .pfx-formatted certificate and base64 encode it:

cat certificate.pfx | base64

After removing any line breaks to make the result one continuous line of text, we now have a certificate we can pass to the vendor, but we don’t want to store that in the Logic App. It’s not secure and we want secure. What do we do now?

Within Azure, we create a Key Vault, and within that Key Vault we create a secret within which we place the base64-encoded, pfx-converted certificate.

Now we have everything we need to put this all together.

In the Logic App we create an action that reaches out to the Key Vault we created, requests the secret and sets the result as a variable called PFXKey. We then create an HTTP action that uses “Client Certificate” as the authentication method, and the value of the PFXKey variable as the variable. We set the password to the password of the certificate (examplepassword in the example above) and we can now use a POST request type to send the data to the vendor, using Client Certificate authentication, all while keeping the certificate contents and its password secure.

The XY Problem and how to avoid it

What is the XY Problem?

The XY Problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help.

Or to put it concisely, it’s when someone asks about their attempted solution, rather than about their problem.

I’m going to exaggerate to illustrate an example here, because I want to make it crystal clear what’s going on here.

Let’s say you work at a carving factory, and you’re in charge of all of the tools that the carvers need to do their job. When a tool breaks, a carver comes to you for a replacement. And let’s also say that each carver is tasked with taking a 10′ x 10′ x 10′ block of stone and reducing it down to a 1.5′ x 1.5′ x 1.5′ smooth cube.

A carver comes up to you and says “I need a new chisel, mine broke”. So you happily provide her a new chisel, satisfied that you’ve done your job and that she’s doing hers. Except, the next day, the same carver comes back and says “I need a new chisel, mine broke” again, so with a bit of a puzzled look on your face you go get her another chisel. The next day, same carver, same request again. And the day after. And the day after that.

You also notice that some carvers have completed two full 10′-cubed-to-1.5′-cube stones this week, while the one who has burned through 5 chisels has barely made any progress. The other carvers have been using diamond-tipped saws and jack hammers and other heavy duty tools in addition to the chisels, depending on how much material they were trying to remove at a particular time.

This is the XY Problem. The carver has spent so much time focusing on what she thought was the solution (“just keep getting a new chisel every time mine breaks”), instead of asking what the actual problem was (“how do I remove a lot of material in the most efficient way possible?”) and in doing so wasted her time and the company’s resources.

In a support-based industry like IT, this can be a depressingly common thing to deal with. Many times, the people you are tasked with supporting learned to do a particular task one way, and so just kept on doing that same task over and over without ever questioning why it was done that way, or if it was ever even necessary in the first place.

It’s completely understandable too – change is hard, and maybe they even got really efficient at doing that task that way, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way to do it, or that it’s even necessary to do at all.

One of the most valuable skills I’ve learned is to pick up on when someone’s presenting me with an XY Problem; where they’ve started describing how they want me to solve a problem, rather than telling me what the end goal they’re trying to accomplish is and what they’ve tried in the process. I don’t call the person out because that does nothing but put the requestor in a defensive posture (completely unhelpful) and put me in a frustrated here-just-let-me-do-it state; I just try to get at the desired end state by probing and then re-framing their thinking in terms of what I would do if I were in their shoes. And by doing so, you align yourself with the other person making them much more likely to take your advice.

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